Monday, October 27, 2008


Today hasn't been so great. 
It started off well - brisk 40min walk this morning, followed by a nice brekky. I took Mr Muffin to swimming lessons and when I came home it all went tumbling down hill from there. 

I just couldn't get them out of my head. Their dotty complexion, their soft, chewy center. I just couldn't shake the urge to bake choc-chip cookies!  I should have been stronger, I should have known better. I should, I should I should...... These have been a major weakness of mine lately.

Very depressing and so disappointing after my great start to the week. 

In my defense I walked to the supermarket to buy the butter, which is a 2k round trip, and then I put half of the mixture in the freezer to have on hand to go with a cuppa when unexpected guests pop in. Does that sound convincing?

Ugh, Ok ok, I will be on my best behaviour tonight and have a good dinner and might will even go a little harder and further on my walk tonight :D

Gotta get back on track!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Weigh Day

The past couple of days have been going so well. I've been very motivated - walking twice every day! I took the car for a drive 'round my usual walking route to discover that my walk is 3.8km. So most days I'm managing 7.6km! Who knows, maybe one day I'll be jogging it! 

Today though, hasn't been the greatest. A friend invited Hubby and I over for a last minute BBQ, and although it was delicious and not necessarily a bad thing, I probably overindulged a little more than I needed to.

Lucky I weighed myself this morning before the BBQ :P

So, this week, according to my WiiFit, I now weigh 92.3kg
That's a loss of 1.7kg!!!!!

Motivation is higher than ever. So if I can negotiate the moods of Mr Muffin, I should be able to squeeze in another walk tonight to fight today's BBQ slip-up!

I'm very excited. So excited in fact, that I've given myself a mission. 10kg in 10 weeks. That's 10 kilos by Christmas, roughly.... Ok, so it's more like 10kg by the new year but, if today's weigh-in is any indication, I should be able to do it! Though, I wont be disappointed if I just come close. Better yet, after basking in my motivational glow, a friend has also taken up the challenge to rid herself of 10kg by Christmas!  


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 4

My gosh. It's only day 4 and I've already fallen off the wagon.
I had a friend in (a rather serious) crisis and of course that called for chocolate. 



My. Worst. Enemy.

I haven't yet worked out how I'm supposed to say "no" to the super sexy, smooth allure of Chocolate. I need to find a way though. It's probably the biggest hurdle I'm going to face on my mission. 

My Wiifit thinks I've lost half a kilo (woohoo) though I'm pretty sure it would have been cancelled out by my sympathy-choc-indulge-session.

Must weigh myself on some proper scales!

I've been doing some readings about sugar cravings and the like. The general consensus seems to be that the cravings come and are gone again in about the space 10-20mins
What the bleep am I going to do for 20mins while a craving passes!?!?

On a more positive note.
In the last few days I've made some changes that ARE good. 
I've managed to walk at least once a day.
I've switched from regular tea, to peppermint tea! - I tried it for the first time today with a friend to hold my hand and was pleasantly surprised. So I figure it's just something else that I wont have to add sugar to anymore. 
I've also been drinking more water which can only be a good thing.

I'm getting back on the wagon in the morning. I have the alarm set for 6am. (Unless a certain munchkin baby wakes me earlier or gives me a rotten night) Out the door for my 40min walk by 6.30am. (Wishful thinking perhaps?)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day one.

So. Today it starts. 
My vanity won out and I want to look purdy for the wedding pics in 6 months time.
Ok ok ok....somewhere knocking around the back of my mind is the knowing that I really need to be healthy too ;)

So why blog it? In a word, accountability. I'll be better able to keep on top of things if I think perhaps someone else is reading and seeing if I make any progress. Or in other words, I hate failing and failing in front of others (even cyber people) is just too much for my ego to take!

So here goes!