Monday, October 27, 2008


Today hasn't been so great. 
It started off well - brisk 40min walk this morning, followed by a nice brekky. I took Mr Muffin to swimming lessons and when I came home it all went tumbling down hill from there. 

I just couldn't get them out of my head. Their dotty complexion, their soft, chewy center. I just couldn't shake the urge to bake choc-chip cookies!  I should have been stronger, I should have known better. I should, I should I should...... These have been a major weakness of mine lately.

Very depressing and so disappointing after my great start to the week. 

In my defense I walked to the supermarket to buy the butter, which is a 2k round trip, and then I put half of the mixture in the freezer to have on hand to go with a cuppa when unexpected guests pop in. Does that sound convincing?

Ugh, Ok ok, I will be on my best behaviour tonight and have a good dinner and might will even go a little harder and further on my walk tonight :D

Gotta get back on track!

1 comment:

Girl said...

You've got to bake with purpose. :P

I bake when I know I am going somewhere that I can leave it but still get to have a piece before I do.